Tax Dollars Inaction
Bob - What's the IP address for the website on our intranet to download the X software?

IT Supervisor - ftp://60.50.50

Bob - Umm, 60.50.50 what?

IT Supervisor - Yea.  60.50.50

Bob - I don't think that's going to work.

IT Supervisor - Try it.  I think that's it.

Bob - All I'm sayin' is you're completely missing an octet.  The chances of this working have got to be slim.

*Bob tries it*

Bob - Yea.  See.  Gonna need a 4th number.

IT Supervisor - Try 50.50.60

Bob - ....

Bob - No.  We definitely need a 4th number.

IT Supervisor - Ok, let me go look at my notes.

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